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The following accesskeys (based on the UK government standard accesskeys) work throughout this site:

  • 1 = Homepage
  • 2 = What's new
  • 3 = Site map
  • 4 = Search
  • 7 = Complaints procedure
  • 8 = Terms and conditions
  • 9 = Feedback form
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What are accesskeys?

An accesskey is a hidden navigation aid that allows people to perform a common action on a website by use of a keyboard shortcut. They are particularly useful for people who need or prefer to use the keyboard to move through a site.

Accesskeys are currently only supported in browsers including and after Internet Explorer 4 and 5, and Netscape 6+/Mozilla.

To use accesskeys:

  • Internet Explorer 5+: hold the ALT key and press the letter of the relevant accesskey together, then press RETURN.
  • Internet Explorer 4: hold the ALT key and press the letter of the relevant accesskey.
  • Netscape/Mozilla: hold the ALT key and press the letter of the relevant accesskey.

Access Options

Top left are options to make the text larger and/or zoom the whole window - this last feature only works with Internet Explorer. If Cookies are enabled on your browser, the text options will apply to all subsequent pages of the site.

The facility to make the text bigger may be preferable to changing browser View-Text Size settings, as it predominately adjusts just the content text without distorting the layout. However, the text sizes throughout the pages have been chosen to view reasonably at Internet Explorer's View-Text Size of 'Larger' and below.

All pages are WAI AAA-Approved using WebXACT to the extent of passing the automatic aspects of the online test for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 as issued by the W3C Web Access Initiative.

As an alternative to navigation, all pages can be accessed from the Site Map.

Pages and documents on this site can be made available in large print and alternative formats on request.

Last Modified: 2 Jul 2008
  • Latest News

DDIA provides support for voluntary organisations & community groups in Derby & Derbyshire.

It achieves this as a partnership of Derby & Derbyshire support organisations, working together.

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Last Modified: 2 Jul 2008