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Rural Action Derbyshire

Established in 1924, Rural Action Derbyshire (formerly Derbyshire
Rural Community Council) is an independent organisation and
registered charity, operating across the county. RAD aims to
improve the life of those living and working in Derbyshire. RAD is
one of 38 rural community councils in England and is a member
of ACRE - Action with Communities in Rural England.

Our Vision

We believe that no-one should be unfairly disadvantaged because they live in a rural area.

Despite its idyllic image, rural communities have pockets of isolation and deprivation, difficulties accessing services and a growing older population. Specialist services and the delivery of these services is being shaped around more populated, urban areas. Poor transport links reduce access to many of these vital services as well as to jobs and training.

Our Ambition

To address rural disadvantage so that rural communities are sustainable, vibrant and accessible to everyone regardless of age, background or income.

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life for Derbyshire residents, by empowering people in rural communities to take action to address disadvantage, become more sustainable and increase local control.

Our Strategic Aims

1. To help remove barriers that prevent people from taking up opportunities, living well and participating in daily life.​

2. To enable communities to develop more control, protect and develop community assets and build resilience and community spirit.

3. To address rural disadvantage particularly for vulnerable or low-income groups.

4. To support rural economic development and sustainable rural communities.

5. To grow and develop Rural Action Derbyshire to secure its future sustainability.

What we do

We have nine key areas of activity:

  • Wheels to Work and Wellbeing - helping people get to work or training.
  • Financial Inclusion - working with partners to help address financial disadvantage.
  • Community Oil Buying Scheme - helping 'off-gas' properties have access to affordable heating oil.
  • Village Halls Support - providing expert advice for the volunteers that run village halls and community buildings.
  • Digital Hubs and Cyber Buddies- helping people get online and learn digital skills.
  • Suicide Awareness Training - with funding from Public Health at DCC, providing free training for frontline workers dealing with vulnerable people.
  • Agricultural Chaplaincy - offering the farming community non-judgemental and confidential support during difficult times.
  • Food Poverty - working with groups around the county to address food poverty and support food banks, community cafes and pantries.
  • The Willow Project - raising awareness of rural domestic abuse.

We have 10 FTE paid staff and 12 trustees.



Beverley Parker (Chief Executive Officer)
01629 592970
Email:  or
Town Hall, Bank Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3NN
Key Categories: 
Rural,  Buildings & Venues,  Influencing Policy
Area Served: 
Entered: 4 Aug 2008   Updated: 24 Aug 2021
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DDIA provides support for voluntary organisations & community groups in Derby & Derbyshire.

It achieves this as a partnership of Derby & Derbyshire support organisations, working together.

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