What is Derby and Derbyshire Infrastructure Alliance?
We are an unfunded alliance of voluntary and community sector support agencies working collaboratively to achieve the best possible support for voluntary, community groups and communities in Derby and Derbyshire.
We define a 'support agency' as one which provides the physical facilities, structures, systems, relationships, people, knowledge and skills that help frontline voluntary and community sector organisations to achieve their aims.
Derby and Derbyshire Infrastructure Alliance (DDIA) will promote and support a strong, diverse, vibrant community,voluntary and faith, working towards a stronger fairer society.
We are an alliance of infrastructure organisations that enables and influences the development of high quality, local, appropriate and accessible support for voluntary and community organisations. This includes social enterprise.
What is DDIA and what difference does it make?
We are an unfunded Alliance, a genuine partnership held together through the goodwill of members.
We are a supportive network for Chief Executives within infrastructure.
Broadly speaking, we are similar organisations so it is easy to offer a collective voice and agree collective action whilst remaining true to individual organisation aims and mem & arts*
DDIA exists and is valued by its members and other stakeholders because:
We connect with people in communities, in small local groups, of faith, of diverse lived experience, with social enterprise, with large organisations.
We are a route into partnerships which influence public sector priorities and activity.
Individually and collectively we support our large and diverse ( nearly 5000 groups ) sector to be where it wants to be.
DDIA is able to disseminate information to, and invite contributions from groups or communities of all sizes, and hence to connect with all parts of the local community.
How do we operate:
We operate within a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) and agreed protocols, whilst respecting separate organisation priorities.
We operate within national standards and performance criteria from NAVCA* and NCVO*
We are part of an Alliance to connect voluntary, community and social enterprises (vcse) with all levels within the ICS* to influence planning, delivery and co-production to improve health prevention.
We respond to our membership groups as individual organisations, at a local level, but also create opportunities for our memberships to meet together and with other stakeholders.
DDIA Alliance enables co-ordinated delivery of countywide activity to support voluntary and community groups (for example countywide forums or consultation, developing collaborative projects and services, organising training or events).
*Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
*National Association of Voluntary and Community Action
*National Council Voluntary Organisations
*Integrated Care System