Derbyshire Compact
There is no current Compact agreement in Derbyshire
This section contains information about the Derbyshire County Compact. Information about Derby City Compact can be found on Community Action Derby’s website at:
What is COMPACT ?
COMPACT and COMPACT Plus are national Government initiatives which are supported by National Codes of Practice. COMPACT documents set out principles which statutory agencies (lsuch as Local Authorities, Primary Care Trusts and the Police) and their Voluntary and Community Sector partners follow in their dealings with one another.
Information about COMPACT can be found at:
Compact in Derbyshire
Why does my organisation need a COMPACT?
What does this mean for my organisation?
In addition to this, a local action plan has been agreed between voluntary and community groups and statutory partners of Derbyshire Partnership Forum (DPF), the Local Strategic Partnership. The local action plan details very specific steps we can take to improve understanding and work practices.
What is my role in COMPACT
Your specific role is to be aware of the Derbyshire COMPACT Principles and local action plan. Copies of these can be downloaded from the Compact documents page.
As a representative of your organisation you can ensure that your work practice supports the local actions for example, ensure voluntary sector involvement in meetings, allow good timescales for consultation.
If you would like more information or advice about Derbyshire Compact go to Compact Contacts.
The Derbyshire Compact is currently being refreshed. A draft of the new document can be seen at